Moving Rocks

This message was first delivered at Cove United Methodist Church in Coleman Falls, Virginia on November 29, 2014. It is based on the lectionary text Isaiah 64:1-12.

Isaiah 64:1-12 The Message (MSG)

Can We Be Saved?
Oh, that you would rip open the heavens and descend,
make the mountains shudder at your presence—
As when a forest catches fire,
as when fire makes a pot to boil—
To shock your enemies into facing you,
make the nations shake in their boots!
You did terrible things we never expected,
descended and made the mountains shudder at your presence.
Since before time began
no one has ever imagined,
No ear heard, no eye seen, a God like you
who works for those who wait for him.
You meet those who happily do what is right,
who keep a good memory of the way you work.
But how angry you’ve been with us!
We’ve sinned and kept at it so long!
Is there any hope for us? Can we be saved?
We’re all sin-infected, sin-contaminated.
Our best efforts are grease-stained rags.
We dry up like autumn leaves—
sin-dried, we’re blown off by the wind.
No one prays to you
or makes the effort to reach out to you
Because you’ve turned away from us,
left us to stew in our sins.
Still, God, you are our Father.
We’re the clay and you’re our potter:
All of us are what you made us.
Don’t be too angry with us, O God.
Don’t keep a permanent account of wrongdoing.
Keep in mind, please, we are your people—all of us.
Your holy cities are all ghost towns:
Zion’s a ghost town,
Jerusalem’s a field of weeds.
Our holy and beautiful Temple,
which our ancestors filled with your praises,
Was burned down by fire,
all our lovely parks and gardens in ruins.
In the face of all this,
are you going to sit there unmoved, God?
Aren’t you going to say something?
Haven’t you made us miserable long enough?

Isaiah was writing during a time of difficulty. The Israelites, newly returned to the Promised Land after more than a generation of captivity in Babylon, were facing an unknown future. The nations they had created before the exile now lay in ruins. Everything had to be rebuilt, repaired, replanted, and restored. While they were no doubt glad to be home, the life they remembered no longer existed. They needed some sort of sign that God was still with them and still the same. But instead of the heavens tearing open and God appearing, instead of mountains quaking in God’s presence, God seemed to have disappeared. No one had come along to call on God’s name. God had hidden God’s face from them and left them alone to contemplate their sin and regret.

How do we hold on to hope when everything around us seems to be falling apart? How do we hope in God when we can’t see any visible signs that God is present? How do we hum along to the endless soundtrack of happy Christmas songs when inside our hearts are broken and bleeding, we can’t see anything positive in the world around us, and we have lost any confidence we once had that things are going to get better?

I know it seems like a big downer to ask these questions as we begin our preparation for Christmas in the church, but the text from Isaiah reminds us that no matter what is going on with us personally, there are plenty of people out there, in our families, in our neighborhoods, in our pews, and in this world, who are not currently in an emotional place of hope, peace, and good will for all. The world is hurting.

How many people are feeling just like the Israelites after exile—lost, confused, uncertain, depressed, alone and afraid—and wondering why God never seems to show up for them, speak to them, or deliver them from their suffering and pain? How many people are facing the holidays alone? How many are dealing with the holiday cheer for the first time without their loved ones beside them—those whom they have lost to death, dementia, depression, dependency, or divorce? How many people are fighting just to get through each day, one day at a time? How overwhelming must the holiday cheer feel to those who are in the midst of trials and tribulations.

Liz's story – here I related the story of Liz who I met through my job of property manager for people with disabilities. Liz was a lonely woman confined to a wheelchair who had lived for years in an apartment that was not accessible, mostly because she could not bear the thought of leaving her precious dogs behind. She lived for about two years as my tenant in a home that worked for her wheelchair and her dogs. But she still needed a lot of support that I couldn't provide – mostly in the area of companionship.

As we move into this season stuffed with holiday planning and busyness and parties and cheer, don’t forget about those for whom this time of year may be excruciatingly difficult. Let them know that God is not punishing them, God has not forgotten about them, and God will not ever let them go.

Advent is a season of preparation. Ah, preparation… Such a busy season, we’ve all been doing a lot of preparation! How many of us already have our Christmas lists ready? Gifts to buy and wrap, meals to plan and cook, events and parties, decorations, list of lists could go on and on. What is important about preparation? In my case - if I don’t prepare, something will get forgotten and then I’ll be in crisis mode. You know, classic stuff like not thawing the turkey or procrastinating too long to order that gift online so you have to present a picture on Christmas morning? I can’t be the only one. So I must be prepared.

While we prepare for the celebration, let's take time to also prepare like John the Baptist told us. Prepare the way of the lord, make straight the way of his coming.

What does this making straight mean to us? It reminds me of watching ants. They scurry about, and at first it all looks organized... But if I observe closer, I note that they spend a lot of time wandering in circles. Maybe part of making the way straight is to stop some of our running in circles! I often find myself sitting down to do a task and then I get distracted by another task...the next thing I know, I'm like that ant - overwhelmed and confused. The holidays are full of those opportunities to get distracted and overwhelmed. The first part of making straight is to take a deep breath and simmer down.

Simplify and focus.

The second part is reflection and self-examination. There is an advent activity that I've done with the youth at involves taking a shoebox of dirt and rocks and inviting each one to make a smooth path. First thing, somebody has to get those rocks out of the way! Then they use their fingers to draw a straight path. The next youth takes over and removes some smaller rocks and the path becomes even smoother.

What are the big rocks in your path? Or the small ones? For some people it may be a rock you've never encountered, or it may be the pebble that has been in your shoe for years. See if you can get some of those rocks out of the way. Put away the things that distract and steal your time and energy. Go back to part one and focus on what is good.

Then the best part - share the process. Like the youth, you find some rocks that you have to remove by yourself... But maybe there are stones to clear away together.

Pond story – here I related the story of building a pond in my backyard with my Dad. A really big pond for a backyard fish pond. And we laid every rock in that landscaping project with a wheelbarrow and determination. Sometimes as I was choosing the next stone, I'd have to holler for help with a “two man rock.”

Are there two man rocks in your life? Reach out for help. Be part of groups that help shore you up and heal whatever is hurting.

But also look around to see if there are people struggling with their own stones. Can you help make their way straighter?

When we recognize the holidays are not a great time for everyone, we have an important opportunity for ministry. How can we intentionally reach out to those who may be struggling? Are there opportunities for us offer ourselves in service to those in need in ways that bring them into direct contact with the poor and struggling in your community?

The world seems to be upside down sometimes. We look for solutions and leadership to solve our broken land. People of Isaiah's time and even all the way to the time of Jesus' ministry were looking for a king, a mighty warrior to make things right again. God did the unexpected. He sent a tiny baby. Helpless. Unassuming. Simple.

People today are also looking for something incredible and mighty. We as Christians have to be ready to do and be the unexpected. We need to approach a hurting world with the character of that tiny baby.

I don't have any children. I do have 3 nephews and a niece. Two of those are twin 6 year old Braeden and Taylor. When they were babies they lived in my house for awhile, so I got to learn something about the character of babies. Sweet. Sensitive. Vulnerable. Laughing. Crying. When they would cry, I would quiet them by singing a song about fish heads.

How would this world be if we took the time to care for each other the way that we care for a baby? And if we could have that sweet spirit of a child. Sweet and sensitive. Humble and vulnerable. It would be unexpected. The world assumes that god wants to punish and divide and throw folks into first pits. But god is much more like a loving parent who wants good things for his children. He wants to hold us and sing fish heads.

And he wants us to do that for others. Because sometimes the best thing a person who is hurting can do is to reach out in service to someone in need. The opportunities are all around us: Parkview Community Mission that feeds, clothes and supports the homeless and poor right in the heart of Lynchburg, the Hunting Creek Food Pantry, Lynchburg Daily Bread, the Society of St. Andrew… or maybe you need to connect one-on-one with a Liz or someone at Heritage Green.

Move rocks together and you will be prepared to welcome this tiny baby - this game changer - back into the world.

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